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just a request
debay(Dee-Bay) - 10/11/2007 3:26 PM
Category: Romance
Replies: 18

I dont mean to sound like a scumbag, but could some of the ladies beef up the photo department? If your gonna take self photos, make em good ones! lol. I dont wanna seem biased, so I guess guys could do it too, I just dont plan on looking at those.
Greg - 10/11/2007 4:49 PM
I can only imagine the replies you`re going to get to this post :)
debay(Dee-Bay) - 10/11/2007 9:11 PM
well, seeing as how a lot of posts seem to be dead here, thought Ide stir it up a bit. lol. I hope no one thinks I would be that......creepy is the word of the day around, no, im not that "creepy" guy, just trying to stir some lively fun.
Greg - 10/11/2007 10:24 PM
Does anyone want to see a picture of me wearing only a snorkel :)
DiveRex - 10/12/2007 6:05 AM
I do!!!
debay(Dee-Bay) - 10/12/2007 7:25 AM
leave it to the "Beef Cake".................
DiveRex - 10/12/2007 12:36 PM
At least some one saw that picture.... it was in response to the other "anonymous" post. Guess most folks haven`t put 2 & 2 together. LOL
NWKatShark - 10/12/2007 7:45 PM
Hey Greg! A snorkel or YOUR snorkel? Guess nobody got enough of the photo of you floating on the blow-up doll in my pictures.
JollyRoger - 10/18/2007 4:51 PM
Greg keep your snorkle in your wetsuit !!!!
MsDiver - 11/05/2007 3:58 PM
and your photo is where?
debay(Dee-Bay) - 11/05/2007 5:03 PM
a most excellent question. Im afraid that I would fall into a minority of photographic acceptance. But I will post my pic...if that is what you wish. Until I learn to post it here, it will be in my photo gallery.
debay(Dee-Bay) - 11/05/2007 5:10 PM
ahhh, a simple matter after all. a little html and wha lah. Here I am. Dont every one email me at once.......................
debay(Dee-Bay) - 1/14/2008 9:00 PM
wow. Im officially sorry that i even thought of starting this thread. i just got back from a birthday party and im afraid the meal is about to resurface. Greg, feel free to delete this thread. im done. those pics shouldnt have been posted, much less taken. yick. ...... it raises a few questions though. Was he the one who took the photos? Were the photos from a web page that he frequents? what in the world is anyone doing with those photos?
anemone - 1/16/2008 7:07 PM
Larry! Sweetie,call me! Put the camera down, back slowly away from the area and call me. I can get you help. I know some great docs (starting with several top notch eye docs....!)You have spent too long in the snow and cold weather. Here, take this pill and drink this...put this compress on your eyes and lean back and breathe this O2. It will be okay...
NWKatShark - 1/16/2008 7:09 PM
Oh yeah? Well critique THIS! Photobucket
NWKatShark - 1/16/2008 7:15 PM
You`ve probably seen this one. Photobucket
NWKatShark - 1/16/2008 7:35 PM
Oh, one more. Photobucket