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Last Login Date
froggiepatrol - 10/17/2007 3:45 PM
Category: General
Replies: 2

Greg, Just wondering what the time limit is from your last login date before a account is removed? I ask because I`ve came across a few that have been 2006 and some of early 2007.
Greg - 10/17/2007 8:15 PM
I don`t have an auto remove yet. I`m thinking about that...maybe I`ll send a few emails before inactive members are removed to give them a chance to get active again before suspending their account. But as long as their email is still good, it`s nice to have them on the buddy list in case someone in their area wants to contact them.
SKEETER - 10/18/2007 3:07 PM
I once found a friend that I lost track of by the role call list. we are back seen each others again. I traveled a lot and was not on line for a long time. But when I came back my friends where still out there.