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Dive Trip Somewhere in Some State
Greg - 3/21/2011 8:34 AM
Category: Web Site Help
Replies: 0

To improve the chances of other divers reading your forum topic about a dive trip or buddy request, be sure to include a location/dive site name and the city/state in the forum title. Many readers will quickly browse through the titles to see if something interests them. I know if I see a forum title that includes an area near me, I’m much more likely to read that post.

Examples of bad titles:

Dive Trip in March

Buddy wanted this weekend.

Examples of good titles:

Dive Trip to Blue Lagoon in Texas, March 2011.

Buddy wanted in Sarasota, FL for diving this weekend (April 23-24, 2011).

Also, if you’re looking for a buddy fast, it’s always a good idea to use the Search page to find buddies in your area to send them a direct message.