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Anyone dived Green Lake, West Bloomfield, MI?
DerekDives - 6/14/2011 2:13 PM
Category: General
Replies: 1

Has any one dived in Green Lake in West Bloomfield, MI? Any recommendations on locations to dive, anything to see? Has anyone heard anything about the lake being used to land sea planes many years go & if so, where in the lake?

Considering doing a dive or two there in the near future.

DerekDives - 9/18/2011 8:30 AM
Well, I was finally able to find someone to dive with me in Green Lake (17 September 2011). The water temps were about 70 at the surface & dropped to the mid 60’s below the thermal. We were wearing full 7mm suits with hoods & gloves, so the water was really quite comfortable. The issue was the visibility.

Below about 5 feet, vis dropped to less than 3 feet and at 30 feet, where I encountered our boat’s anchor, vis was about 1-2 feet. Very much like swimming in diluted milk - but not "silty" like a quarry. All-in-all, vis was so poor that my buddy and I kept losing each other unless were literally touching. After about 10 minutes, we aborted the dive and just enjoyed some afternoon sun on the lake while our gear dried.

I did talk to one other diver that has been in the lake and he told me he dove the lake in late spring/early summer and vis wasn’t too bad. He described the bottom as a "desert" - nothing but sand and the occasional barrel that has sunk (likely from swim platforms). Other than that, nothing to see :(.