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old air
kabar3 - 6/30/2011 6:45 PM
Category: General
Replies: 7

Hi everyone I have a question. Last August I had an accident I crushed my knee. however now I’m better and able to dive. my concern the air in my tanks is from last early last August should I just get new air or can I dive with them this weekend?
jlpskydive - 6/30/2011 9:41 PM
Smell it and taste it. If it seems OK dive it. If you don’t trust it spend the 6 0r 8 bucks to get it refilled... your choice.
seawolfdiving - 6/30/2011 10:23 PM
Since it has been a year, those tanks probably need a vis inspection. Why not take the tanks to your LDS and have them refilled with "fresh air" when they do they inspections. Just a suggestion... :)
kabar3 - 7/01/2011 5:06 AM
thanks ill do that
kabar3 - 7/01/2011 5:36 AM
the money wasn’t the problem time was, I just got the Dr.s okay yesterday heading to the Cape today. thanks thou I’m going to get the tanks checked and new air today before i go.
WarmWaterTurner - 7/01/2011 3:39 PM
Welcome back to the sea. Glad you are mended. As to the air - check the smell and the taste.....if all good I would use it then take the tanks in for a vis. Dive safe!
LatitudeAdjustment - 7/01/2011 8:11 PM
 Glad to hear you are back in the water but in the future a diver should post on here that they will be dry for awhile so that a dive buddy can step forward and use the air, your equipment, and/or ff miles so that none of it goes stale :)
scubaclay - 7/02/2011 2:08 PM
I am lucky enough to own my shop and can refill my tanks on request. Each year I empty ALL of my tanks, (even the rentals) and inspect and refill them. You have been given great advise, tast and smell your air, if it seems ok dive it.