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DiveGirl55 - 9/15/2008 10:58 PM
Category: Survey
Replies: 49

When you PLAN a trip, do you plan in advance and SAVE Up for it, or do you have the cash ready when you plan?
Mapache - 9/28/2008 9:31 PM
[Choose #2] Sometimes I have to Save for the Trip, depending on the Site (Indonesia for example)
toodive4 - 9/22/2008 5:30 PM
[Choose #4] Who plans... just get up and go girl!
Catman - 9/21/2008 5:40 AM
[Choose #2] I put money in a special account, when there is enough we go somewhere
malibu - 9/18/2008 9:09 PM
[Choose #1] money, charge, makes no difference to me, I am too poor to go anywhere except the bath tub
scubaTim50 - 9/16/2008 7:52 AM
[Choose #1] I am always watching for "specials".I am going to be debt free jan 2nd and then Its on.........
mistigold - 9/16/2008 3:34 AM
[Choose #4] Never have the money to take a trip