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Number of dive computers
Zoltrac - 7/17/2009 10:27 PM
Category: Survey
Replies: 73

How many dive computers (DC) do you dive with?
Francesco - 6/21/2013 7:32 AM
[Choose #2] I have one wrist, one old console air integrated, use most conservative, worst case gave me 5 min extra stop (happened once). But if battery fails during trip (happened 4 times in 7 year) I can continue without missing anything.
flaski - 9/12/2009 3:25 PM
[Choose #1] 1 main AI type, but always have a spare wrist unit and an old fashioned console on boat for that uhoo!
MDW - 8/09/2009 6:14 PM
[Choose #1] Only need 1 DC. If it ever fails, I’ll use my backup depth gauge and watch with tables.
james4964 - 7/21/2009 7:20 PM
[Choose #2] always console and one wrist
EasyDayThailand - 7/20/2009 10:12 PM
[Choose #2] while working on a liveaboard and doing 4 dives a day
diverjay - 7/20/2009 10:44 AM
[Choose #1] One for now but want to get another for backup
LatitudeAdjustment - 7/20/2009 8:45 AM
[Choose #2] I’ve had both computers die on the same dive, maybe I need 3!
steelheadfish - 7/19/2009 11:00 PM
[Choose #1] once i get past my adv nitrox and enter tec training 2
mukashi - 7/18/2009 9:36 PM
[Choose #1] I have a backup in my dive bag.
TColJeep - 7/18/2009 9:04 PM
[Choose #1] A dive watch and pressure guage as back up
Catman - 7/18/2009 4:03 PM
[Choose #2] 1 on my gear andI always wear my citizen watch, which is also a computer.
HogLifer - 7/18/2009 11:26 AM
[Choose #1] Guages and watch as backup
MonkeyDiver - 7/17/2009 11:51 PM
[Choose #2] I use a wrist mounted air integrated computer, with a console mounted back-up computer and an old fashion pressure gauge.