[Choose #1] Yes, to a point. The first rule of rescue, you do not make another victim. I had a buddy have free flow at 95 ft & panicked. I grabbed him to slow him down (I was in doubles). He continued up too fast. I made the decision to let him go at 20 ft .
[Choose #1] it’s quite simple, you can’t help if you are a victim too!!! if; you can’t slow them down without endangering yourself ascend safely so you can render aid if neccessary, period.
[Choose #2] keep him in my sights
[Choose #2] I would not, I would slowly accend, and help thier very bent ass to the beach and chamber. No use us both dieing over his/her stupidity.
[Choose #1] If it is NOT in his nature to do such a thing he is likely in trouble. 100 ft. is still with in no-stop diving limits all things being equal you are not very likely to hurt yourself on ascent. Follow at a safe rate keeping your buddy well in sight.
[Choose #2] what good am I to my buddy hurt or dead?
[Choose #1] ya id follow him but i wouldnt go at his rapid accent rate lol.
[Choose #1] Follow yes, at a rapid speed no. No reason to have two people in trouble.
[Choose #1] I have pulled a diver back down who was on a rapid accent
[Choose #1] Yes, but safely!
[Choose #2] I may attempt to slow his ascent if possible, but in this situation, someone has to be able to get help and start EFR.
[Choose #2] My instructor told me not to do that, so no.
[Choose #1] i would go @my own rate when i got to surface i would make sure every thing is good
[Choose #2] No way then you would have 2 injured divers someone topside could help! after I accend safely I could help if needed
[Choose #2] Keep your own accent under control. 1 injury is better than 2.
daz88 - 11/25/2009 8:57 AM
[Choose #2] good question, I guess it would just dpend on the buddy and the what’s going on at the time. have to judge it when it happens.
[Choose #2] The dive plan would cover emergency ascent as well as communicating before hand.
[Choose #2] I’d either try to arrest his rapid accent or failing that, follow at a safe speed
[Choose #2] You are NO good to your buddy if you are bent too!! Never become the victim if you’re the rescuer.
[Choose #1] It depends on my deco obligation and availability of a chamber though. I could cut some time off deco, but how much depends on the situatuation. My dive team members would never shoot to the surface so this isn’t a issue with me.
Plang - 11/20/2009 4:51 AM
[Choose #2] need to take care of number one
[Choose #2] Only if it does not put you at risk. Don’t want to add to the prob. trying to stop one.
[Choose #2] I would make a normal accent. I’m no good to my buddy on the surface if we both have the bends.
[Choose #2] I cant help my buddy if I am dead too
[Choose #2] but I would ascend safely and check on them
[Choose #2] Although I would start up in as safe a manner as I could.
MDW - 11/10/2009 11:42 AM
[Choose #2] No, unless it was still only 2 or 3 minutes into the dive. Even then, I’d follow at the proper ascent rate.
[Choose #2] do not put two victims in the water
[Choose #2] You cant help ur buddy if you end up w issues surface but within your limits
[Choose #2] if you go with them in a "rapid" ascent you are likely to be injured also. Then you would not be able to help them because you would be in need of help too.
[Choose #1] You have no responsibility to place yourself at risk, and of course you follow your buddy to the surface, but at a safe ascent rate. If you didn’t you would be down without a buddy, and your buddy would be at the surface without assistance.
[Choose #1] Yes, I would try and accend to the surface with my buddy if possible. As long as my buddy and I followed emergency accent procedures and we stayed within the no decompression limits, all should be good.
[Choose #2] Nope, not going to do that. No use having two people in trouble on the surface.
[Choose #2] I am new to diving but I would think that correct accent would be the correct way, so why I get there I can be in shape to help my buddy.
[Choose #1] I would make a safe ascent to the surface and ensure my buddy is okay. I’m not going to rush after them, even in the Rescue class you learn to not make a second victim. After one minute you would ascend anyway if you lost sight of your buddy.
[Choose #1] .If you can not slow their ascent, follow your buddy to the surface at a safe rate
[Choose #1] Sure you follow your buddy up just at a safe rate of ascent.
[Choose #2] Follow at a proper rate then do what you can for your buddy.
[Choose #2] There is no responsibility to put yourself into a possible dangerous situation that can ultimately cause 2 posible rescue scenarios, your buddy being the first...
[Choose #1] You should follow your buddy...if you cannot slow their ascent, then you should slowly ascend and then get them to solid ground ASAp. Contact emergency authorities as needed and provide basic life support as necessary.
[Choose #2] sorry bud there should be atleast one person left on the boat but i prefer to live to dive another day
[Choose #1] You follow at safe rate of accent so you can administer first aid to your buddy.