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Location of Dive Shop
Precious_Cargo_Diving - 4/14/2011 5:04 PM
Category: Survey
Replies: 31

Given two dive shops, one located in an urban strip mall carrying name brand equipment, providing air fills, instruction and trips and the second located about 15 minutes drive away in a rural setting, providing similar equipment, instruction, air fills and trips as well as on site training pool, and training facilities with an estimated savings of 15 - 20% in cost. Would it be worth your time to travel the additional distance for the savings?
pinkladydi - 5/09/2011 4:24 AM
[Choose #2] location location location matters to most, I would drive for the discount but not to browse
Jen-Michael - 5/02/2011 1:05 PM
[Choose #1] Depends on the knowledge of staff, how well I get along with the staff at either, and whether the staff and I have similiar dive interests or they have done the type of diving I am interested in.
Cthediver - 4/28/2011 9:46 AM
[Choose #1] It also depends on how you get along with the workers.
silent - 4/20/2011 11:24 PM
[Choose #1] all depends on customer service.
Greg - 4/20/2011 12:26 PM
[Choose #2] Lower overhead means lower prices. And rural setting would most likely mean a personal relationship which is always good.
allstarwa - 4/16/2011 6:43 AM
[Choose #2] Strip Malls = people which typcally = less service in my mind. Since most of what we buy is $100, can’t cost that much for gas.
RAWalker - 4/14/2011 8:16 PM
[Choose #2] All else being equal a pool and less expensive is worth a shot drive.
DiveBuddyChgo - 4/14/2011 7:01 PM
[Choose #1] For sales its always exposure to the public that brings new customers into the shop.