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Virgin’s Disappearance Shocks Cozumel
Smithsgold - 8/07/2011 2:12 PM
Category: General
Replies: 4

Virgin’s Disappearance Shocks Cozumel

Cozumel News - Latest News Jun 30, 2011

Cozumel was shocked, this week, when it emerged that a famous statue of the Virgin Mary had disappeared from the bottom of the sea at Chankanaab Park.

Authorities think thieves dived down and hacksawed it from its base around 10am on Tuesday, said local media reports.

MRfreeze - 8/08/2011 5:57 PM
This is such a shame. I can’t belive someone would do such a thing.
Smithsgold - 8/09/2011 1:21 PM

I hope they find it.

Thats one of the dives I havent done there and was looking forward to doing it sometime..
Greg - 8/11/2011 9:30 PM
Could we assume it was a local? I doubt they would allow it on a plane or cruise ship. I hope it’s returned or found.