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California Channel Island lobster trip March 2012
scubagurl - 2/09/2012 5:42 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 1

Want to dive the California Channel Islands? There are a few more spots left on an upcoming trip in March.

Lobster season closer trip3 days and 3 nights aboard the Horizon Charter out of San Diego. We board on Thurs. March 15th at 7:00pm (the boat leaves about 10pm or so) Return on Sunday March 18th around 7:00. Although there are plenty of hunters on board, anyone is welcome. In the past we have had divers just there to dive and photographers as well.

Planned itinerary:

Day 1- Cortes Bank (weather permitting)

Day 2- Santa Barbara Island

Day 3-Catalina or Clemente Island

If conditions hold out at Cortes and Santa Barbara we will stay there as long as we can.

COST: Bunk = $599; Cabin = $644

I have been going on this trip for several years and it is always alot of fun. If interested, please contact me and I can fill you in on further details. :)
WCReefers - 2/09/2012 6:07 PM
I would love to go, but I will be in Guam on those dates. Have good hunting, perhaps next year.