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Do scuba divers prefer to take baths or showers?
Greg - 3/28/2012 3:04 PM
Category: Survey
Replies: 54

As a scuba diver, do you enjoy taking a bath or shower more? I’m not going to add an "other" option to this survey so don’t read too much into the question..."well I prefer showers if I’m washing off, but baths if I’m relaxing". Just pick one. What do you enjoy more?
nutralbouy - 6/14/2012 6:46 PM
[Choose #2] ewwwww....hing in gunk
allstarwa - 5/24/2012 4:49 PM
[Choose #1] It’s a big tub, looks like the ocean
daz88 - 5/18/2012 11:12 PM
[Choose #2] the bath tub is where I clean my dive gear :)
dbthamsai - 5/08/2012 7:47 PM
[Choose #2] showers faster way to get clean....
MDW - 4/18/2012 10:44 AM
[Choose #1] I enjoy a bath more. What’s to enjoy about a shower? It’s just a quick utilitarian method to get clean. When there is time, a bath is much more relaxing and enjoyable. Plus it’s a little closer to diving, which is the most relaxing and enjoyable.
Smithsgold - 4/08/2012 10:29 AM
[Choose #2] Showers !!!!!
WarmWaterTurner - 4/02/2012 2:21 PM
[Choose #1] If the tub is deep enought for a safety stop - then the tub it is!
divershaun - 4/01/2012 1:10 PM
[Choose #2] neither...
LatitudeAdjustment - 3/31/2012 5:22 AM
[Choose #2] There is a bathtub in my house that hasn’t been used since the kids went off to college.
Happy - 3/30/2012 12:34 PM
[Choose #2] There is just something about stewing in my own dirtyness that does not appeal to me. Shower it is!
Lukas78 - 3/28/2012 11:17 PM
[Choose #2] shower with my gear after, always rinse everything in the shower