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What is main reason that a diver pics a certification agency to be certify wiith
jbacca - 3/30/2012 10:25 AM
Category: Training
Replies: 10

I would like to get opinions from different experiences about the differences between international certification agencys and if this influences in the training that a diver receives?? What do you expect from your certification agency??
LatitudeAdjustment - 3/30/2012 10:55 AM
The training agency doesn’t matter and the closest LDS isn’t always the best choice either, my wifes instructor looked good on paper to but after seeing him dive we saw that he didn’t do what he preached.

Asking around is your best option, some of the best instructors I’ve met don’t work for the LDS, they train at local quarries, pools and inlets.
dalehall - 3/30/2012 12:04 PM
I have to agree.. Having a good, safe, and of course, fun instructor is more important than the actual agency he or she is instructing for. Most of the "big" certifying agencies (PADI, NAUI, SSI, etc) all use about the same criteria for basic open water certification. When you go above that level is where they start to differ fairly significantly. But, for basic O/W, the instuctor is more important than the agency.
Dutch - 3/30/2012 4:04 PM
The first instructor will either make or break your diving experience. Very important.
John_giu - 3/30/2012 7:37 PM
I got certified on a whim. I was vacationing at Sandals Resort in Antigua and the sign read "everyone dives", seemed like a good idea at the time. Fortunately the instructor was simply wonderful right down to holding my hand through the first dive, and yes she was a woman, I wasn’t holding hands with some dude.

I would have to agree with Dutch, your first instructor can make or break you diving career.

Having only experience with PADI I can say that it will suffice. Ultimately you will be responsible for your own safety and enjoyment and no brow beating by an instructor good or bad will make you a proficient diver. What I found to help me was teaming up with a friend who began diving the year after I did. He had always wanted to dive and seeing me get certified drove him over the edge. Having someone to dive who loves the sport gets you out a lot. The other advice I would give is take as many easy dives as you can. Lakes and quarries are great low stress dives that get you experience with the equipment in a relatively safe and controlled environment.

Anyway, I haven’t drowned yet.

Let’s pray everyone has a safe diving season.

Good luck
Granitehawk - 3/31/2012 8:32 PM
I have dove with people of varying experince and dive orgazations.

When i dive with anyone new, I will interview them.

Who did you get certified by (Instructor & agency)

Your last dive.

How did your instructor make your first couple of dive feel.

what type( if any) advanced certificaion do you have.

How do you forsee our dive going.

The reason for these Questions is to allow us to get to Know each other and for me to gauge there comfort level and experince.

The Instructor question is I have some past diving experinces with local instructors and there style of teaching (or i one case ruining of divers)

I have no Preferance for any dive orgaization as long as it is internationaly reconized.

I am Padi and TDI trained
Jase - 4/01/2012 2:09 AM
I have had an opportunity to dive with lots of different divers over the years. The quality of the instructor and their ability to teach and inspire makes the difference rather that the training organisation.

I currently instruct with both PADI and SSI. I dont have a preference one over the other.
Crab - 4/02/2012 4:49 AM
Seams most new divers do not know there are different agencies and will generally go with what ever the LDS is selling.
MDW - 4/18/2012 11:19 AM
For OW & AOW, I chose the nearest LDS, which happened to be PADI, mainly because it was convenient and I didn’t know any better. I think this is typical for most new divers unless they already know an experienced diver who can help by making recommendations. when it came time for more advanced training, I was able to make a more informed decision. I went with PDIC, NSS/CDS, TDI, and NAUI for most of my more recent certs. Some of this was based on what was available locally or in the locations I traveled to, but in most cases I had a choice of at least 2 or 3 agencies for a given cert and could select the best one for the particular skill I needed to learn. (See profile if you want the low-down on what classes I took from which agency)
Keith_M - 7/19/2012 6:49 PM
What criteria did you use to determine which agency was the "best" for a particular skill?

Looking at all of the agencies you have used... You have quite the smorgasbord of certifying agencies.
oceanfloor - 7/27/2012 8:23 PM
I checked out nine different dive shops before taking my OW... 135 dives later, I’m still with them. It’s SSI but the deciding factor was the staff and instructors ... Sort of felt like I found my home from day one :)