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ScubaPro Bella Weight Pouch Wanted
oceanfloor - 6/24/2012 4:25 PM
Category: Equipment
Replies: 2

Just lost the weight pouch for my ScubaPro Bella BC. Only need one... anyone know where I can find one that’s cheaper than going through ScubaPro?
LatitudeAdjustment - 6/24/2012 6:38 PM
There’s a dive site I visit where a lot of students train, we are always finding weights, weight pouches, knives, snorkels............ When we dove under the bridge we found a weight belt but we left it there, we already had other problems.

So I’m sure someone has found your’s or someone else’s and put it on Ebay, the problem is they probably don’t know it’s ScubaPro or that it’s from a Bella so you’ll need to widen your search. Good luck!
oceanfloor - 6/24/2012 6:49 PM
Thanks... I was trying to avoid spending 80 for a set, just wanted it one. But I just broke down and ordered them. I dove without it this weekend and felt lopsided the whole time... nice hearing from you :)