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Melinka, Chile
Lara - 8/30/2012 5:35 AM
Category: General
Replies: 2

So...ever since I briefly saw a special years ago on the biodiversity in the waters off of the island of Melinka, Chile, I have A) tried to get more information, B) wanted to dive there, C) it significantly influenced my decision to finally get certified.

Anybody know anything about the place, the diving, etc? It looks like it’s cold enough to require a dry suit.
LatitudeAdjustment - 8/30/2012 7:01 AM
Not much info out there, only diving info I see is about research dives at the fish farms and expeditions passing through.
Lara - 8/30/2012 12:24 PM
Yeah, that’s been my experience. Supposed to be great. I really want to get there eventually.