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soldier new to diving in louisiana
pntballer - 9/07/2012 8:42 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 5

i just got PADI open water certified and i am looking for other divers out there. im currently stationed in louisiana and i might be moving in about six months but dont know where to just yet. im hoping to meet some fellow divers out there that can help me learn the ropes of diving. right now i have a 16-month old daughter so budget is tight to travel. right now im just looking to get some more dive time in general and expand my knowledge. if anyone can help that would be awesome. some advice would be better than none.
cducote - 9/08/2012 3:05 PM
Where are you stationed?
cducote - 9/08/2012 3:29 PM
Nevermind... I should have looked at your profile before asking. we go to toledo bend a good bit. Its not the best, but it is diving and will give you experience. you are welcome to meet us the next time we go
pntballer - 9/09/2012 6:13 PM
when? i only have fins, mask, snorkel, wetsuit, and dive boots so im gonna have to rent the rest so if u know how much that would be that would be awesome to know too
LatitudeAdjustment - 9/12/2012 6:34 PM
Keep us updated on your next duty station.
pntballer - 9/13/2012 9:36 AM
will do