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Houston Texas Diving
btw2459 - 11/29/2012 8:11 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 3

I’m going to be in Houston TX over the weekend of Dec 15th and 16th and would like to go diving. Anyone interested in being my dive buddy and taking me diving in the local area?
Greg - 11/30/2012 5:40 AM
The lakes around Houston will be in the 50s in December. That’s doable be not the most comfortable for me. I’m used to diving in the spring and summer when the water is 80+. Send a direct message to a few divers in the area. I’m sure you’ll find someone.
Dutch - 12/04/2012 2:15 PM
Some of the dive locations around Houston will not be open then. The few that are will possibly be able to help you out with a buddy. Good luck
JJHACK - 11/01/2017 12:30 PM
I will be there November 14th. Would like to dive someplace fresh or gulf. 5095405723