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Princess Cruise March 17 Southern Caribbean
sjfriend - 12/29/2012 4:28 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 2

Will be on Princess Cruise March 17-27 to Southern Caribbean and would like some help with either dive buddy or just information to help decide where to dive. Either fellow cruiser or locals appreciated. Can only dive a couple of time as wife is non-diver and really should spend at least a few days touring with her.

Stops are: Aruba, Boniare, Grenada, Dominica and St Thomas.

thanks, Steve
Will - 1/10/2013 1:37 PM
I dove with Blue Island Divers in St. Thomas. Had a great time, booked myself not through the cruise ship. It was an easy walk to the dive shop, they were through a parking lot and past a restaurant/bar. No cab needed.

Very friendly folks, very knowledgeable, and helpful as well. $99 for 2 boat dives. You won’t get to do much else on the island if you dive there, depending on how long your stay is I suppose, so having the dive shop a 5 minute walk from the boat was great. Even got to stop at the bar on the walk back to the ship.
Tommco - 2/27/2013 9:44 PM
Steve, are you taking your own gear...? let me know how it goes.... doing a Western Caribbean in april