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Oceanic Oceanlog Issues
OUBobcat - 1/03/2013 9:39 PM
Category: Equipment
Replies: 2

Has anyone else on here had any issues with Oceanic Oceanlog? For a while now when I open it up, the program becomes non-responsive and freezes up. I have the most up to date version. It’s just frustrating because its been happening for a good while now and Oceanic still has yet to come out with an update to address it.
RAWalker - 1/04/2013 12:24 PM
go to windows control panel programs and features click on Oceanlog and then repair.
Eric_R - 1/04/2013 12:55 PM
I have a few programs that require this. #4 isn’t always needed.
Configure the shortcut to always run as administrator. Here’s how:

1. Right-click the shortcut icon, and click Properties.

2. Click the Compatibility tab.

3. Here, put a check mark by Run This Program as an

4. Next, put a check mark next to Run This Program in
Compatibility Mode For: and ensure Windows XP Pro Service Pack
2 is selected.

5. Click OK.