Different strokes for different folks. This site can be anything anyone chooses. Participation is up to you, no one is twisting your snorkle to be any more active than you want to be. I joined to meet/make new dive buddys, and understand that not all of them might be local. I find it fun to "meet" folks from other parts of the country/world online and to exchange points of view with them. And to share a joke or laugh. If you don`t want to be bothered,just say no.
THERE you are Kory! HEY, you wanna be my Buddy? Seriously, I invite members who either express similar hobbies as I (other than diving - duh), live somewhere I`m thinking of visiting (so I can get local info) or they seem to be humorious. Cute helps too, hey I`m a guy! Chances are that I`ll never dive, or even meet, with 99.99 percent of my "Buddies". Like someone else said, just say "no thanks" and let it go or add something in your Profile that says you just don`t want to be sociable with the general population.
All I`m saying is, to new people that simply accept an invite, and haven`t checked out what the site is all about, they get overwhelmed with all the new buddy requests. I understand what you guys are talking about though. This site is different things to different people. That`s cool. Just wanted to point out how all the new requests might turn some people away from using it.
I probably will never meet in person most of the people I have met "here" either, unless we dive on a trip together. But I still enjoy the meeting. Like Greg says, "Global(worldwide) social(diving and more) Network for Divers".Page 15, Jan/Feb issue DAN 2008.Go Greg! `Nuff said.
I think it can be intimidating for someone new to online clubs and are a bit apprehensive or distrusting of the internet. And young attractive females have it much worse than fat middle-aged men, let`s face it. It`s nice when people fill out their profile but I can understand why some might choose not to.
I don`t get many buddy request but I accept any I get if they are here for diving. Only once in a while does it appear they are just building customer lists or trying to sell their nudies or whatever. It`s nowhere near as bad as myspace.
I`m pretty selective about who I request, mainly those in my area or in an area I frequently dive. Unlike NWKat and others who expect to meet few if any of their buddies, my intent is to meet and dive with all of my buddies. I guess that`s my criteria right there. I`m not interested in acquiring 500 buddies to look popular.
Me personally. I have been welcoming every new member for at least 8 months now. Others have jumped on that bus also and it`s great! When I welcome new members I also add them to my buddy list. Most accept, some don`t. Some have even sent rude comments. Thats fine with me. I just put them on block. Requesting a new member to be my buddy is merely intended to make them feel welcome, not put off. I don`t don`t discriminate on race, creed, color, or religion. AND, I do live in Florida. When I am not working, I am boating, riding or DIVING. Florida is a great dive destination... In closing. if your that uptight about people asking you to be there buddy. Like Nancy Reagan once said, "JUST SAY N O !" You say you signed up a LONG TIME ago? Well, if 9 months is a long time ago, great! How about donating to divebuddy.com and Greg to help keep the site going and getting your dive flag? Then, maybe Greg can add a few more steps before a buddy can be added. If you don`t registar to vote and then take the time to vote, you can`t bitch about who is running our country now can you? (thats my way of being sarcastic)
C`mon Ernest, don`t hold back. Tell us how you REALLY feel!
How I really feel? I think that would be with my hands and nerve endings but I could be wrong. ;-)
Nope, you`re correct. Trust me,I`m a paramedic. (uh,did that sound familar?)
Well, I really didn`t think I sounded uptight. Just putting another point of view out there for people that may not have considered the full impact of their actions. I appreciate the fact that some want to make people feel welcome. I guess I just don`t see the point of having more than 500 dive buddies on your "list".
I also don`t understand the point of bringing up that being a member since April of 07 isn`t really a long time. I guess it`s very difficult for some people to have a civil discussion without jabbing a bit.
Great, you`ve been a member since 2007. Please donate to help Greg make the site even better!
It doesn`t take an improvement to the site, for us as users to understand that some people get turned off by too many dive buddy requests.
Dude, I give up. You win. I`m done.
Well Said DragonDiver.... I concur! I try to stick to divers in my local area unless there is a really similar outside interest or a specific location I want to dive at. There are stat chasers and there are divers. There are bloggers and there are divers. You just have to muddle through the mix!
THAT`S THE POINT! I couldn`t agree more and the more buddies I find the greater opportunity I have to have buddies where ever I travel not to mention that most seem very nice and helpful. One of my buddies and I are heading to Tampa next month to dive our fins off!!! I would like all the buddies I can have and I will be anyone`s buddies. I`ve got room so if you in Maryland and need to crash...Holla! Dive Well
Mostest! Stop with the cute pics!Its hard to huge a computer screen!
Uh, HUG a computer screen, that is...
I`m feelin kinda narc`d after reading all this........... Gonna take a little nap now.
Man...you are funny....I just love your sense of humor...it would be great to dive with someone with medical training...lol...suckers like me might need the help...