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badintexas - 4/01/2013 5:55 AM
Category: General
Replies: 14

Today is Gregs birthday! We wouldnt have this awesome site if it wasnt for Greg and all of his time and hard work!

If you have any thoughts, advice for getting older or life lessons that youd like to share with Greg during this, his 29th year of life... Please post them here.

OHH.. And I love you baby! You are amazing in every way! And pretty hot too!!
LatitudeAdjustment - 4/01/2013 6:09 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Greg and thanks for all this hard work, Ray
Green_Achers - 4/01/2013 7:08 AM
Happy Birthday Greg. My only advise is that you start skipping every other birthday from now on.

Also, if you think 29 is old... consider the fact that you are too young to become either a Senator or President of the USA. Sorry.

Happy Birthday.
Smithsgold - 4/01/2013 9:59 AM
Happy Birthday Greg !!!!
RAWalker - 4/01/2013 1:04 PM
Happy Birthday Greg.

On this special day may we wish the little extra joy you’ve given to every member add up and be apparent to you! May it sustain your happiness throughout the year.
hcdiveteambrian - 4/01/2013 3:14 PM
Happy B Day Greg!! #1 DiveBuddy!
Rich-D-Fish - 4/01/2013 5:54 PM
Happy Born-on-date Greg!
diverray - 4/01/2013 6:55 PM
Happy Birthday, Greg!
Green_Achers - 4/01/2013 9:24 PM
Well, that changes everything. You can become President then.

BTW, I wonder how long it too your mom to convince your dad that it wasn’t an April Fools Joke... and that she really was in labor?!? LOL
Caloosa - 4/02/2013 4:42 AM
Belated Happy Birthday...thanks for all your efforts in creating, maintaining, and updating DiveBuddy!
BoneCrusher - 4/02/2013 4:55 AM
Happy Belated Birthday. At 29 you have lots of things to look forward to getting as you get older mostly little aches and pains.
Roadking1 - 4/02/2013 10:39 AM
happy belated B day too!

C u in the water.

Eric_R - 4/02/2013 2:58 PM
Happy Birthday Greg. Thanks for putting up with us.