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Looking for dive buddy for Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina
mellowcalico - 4/08/2013 7:57 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 12

I’ve been out of the water for years but just finished a refresher course and an intro to tech course. I’ve been on a handful of open water dives in the past month and updated a lot of my gearso I am not completely rusty. I am looking for a buddy or buddies to dive the coast of Virginia, Maryland, and/or North Carolina. I am hoping to do a least one open water dive a month over the summer/diving months and I am already signed up for a U-352 in August.

I would love to dive other wrecks, but I really would like to have a buddy before I go instead of just showing up on the boat and hoping for the best (I want to get together and properly plan dives before going on them and last minute buddies don’t lend themselves to doing that).

I am still a recreational diver, but I am certified in Nitrox and am Naui Master Diver certified. I have 110 dives under my belt; but only 6 open water (ocean) dives in the past year (since October). Like I said am just starting the tech path. I am looking to expand my tech knowledge but am mainly hoping to dive, practice what skills I’ve learned (including all those new kicks), and slowly build my tech gear setup.

LatitudeAdjustment - 4/08/2013 8:29 AM
Good luck on U-352, between gear failures and bad weather it took me about four tries before I saw her. Even started kidding Bobby the Captain of Midnight Express that U-352 was a myth and they didn’t want me to learn the truth.
mellowcalico - 4/08/2013 9:50 AM
Uh, oh.... don’t tell me U-352 is a snipe hunt. ;)

Thanks though. I am hoping all goes well. Maybe I should sign up for multiple U-352 trips just to make sure I see it. And if I get to see it more than once this season, all is even better.
RichKeller - 4/08/2013 3:18 PM
I am not from around there but visit once or twice a year. Do you know of any good dives in the Delmarva area?
LatitudeAdjustment - 4/08/2013 6:20 PM
There is an active SCUBA meet-up group in the DC area, not sure how close that is to you but when I was finally on U-352 there were about 6 on the boat from that group. They also do trips up to Dutch Springs and down to Lake Rawlings.
mellowcalico - 4/09/2013 6:19 AM
First off, thank you for the replies!

RichKeller, unfortunately I am new to East Coast diving (almost all of my dives are in the Pacific and Southern California to be exact). so I am still learning things myself. I am focusing on Virginia Beach and Moorhead City as far as finding diving goes. But Ocean City, Maryland is much closer to me (so I hope to dive there too).

Thanks LatitudeAdjustment for the meet-up group suggestion! I joined them, but their monthly meetings conflict with another meeting (that I am in charge of). But maybe I can join some of their other events.

Does anyone know if the dive boats out here will buddy you up with someone if you have no buddies? The ones I used to dive on did that (usually there was a divemaster in charge who would help you find someone). Doesn’t help me much with planning dives, but it should work out since I will pretty much just be doing recreational dives for a while. My big fear is showing up on a boat with all my gear and not being able to dive (since I won’t dive without a buddy).

Thanks again!
LatitudeAdjustment - 4/10/2013 4:46 AM
"Does anyone know if the dive boats out here will buddy you up with someone if you have no buddies? "

I’ve only used Olympus and yes you can buddy up onboard however NC gets all kinds, I’ve seen some spend the entire dive on one spot trying to free an artifact and others lay 300’ of line but not stopping to look at anything so ask questions before picking a buddy.
wns123 - 4/21/2013 4:51 AM
for dives out of Ocean City Maryland you can go to Nicely rigged dive boat ..captain is also a tech diver I charter this boat in MD and for four days of diving out of Cape Hatteras in june
gepdiv - 4/30/2013 6:43 PM
There are alot of good wrecks off OC African Queen , Benny , gordon S Cook , Boiler wreck. Our club dives every other weekend all summer usually one to two dives a month are in OC. Md. with dive boat Mister Ike , six pack. The other dives are out of Indian River Inlet Delaware. I have herd good things about dive boat, OC diver from friends, I think the captains name is George Green.
richw - 5/27/2013 6:40 AM
Hi Caron,

Since you are so into wrecks, I thought you might be interested in joining us on a trip to Beaufort NC June 29-30.

Hope to see you there :) it should be fun.

Doc - 8/29/2013 5:18 AM
Hi Caron,

I too am always looking for a dive buddy. I prefer NC for diving. I dive with Discovery Diving in Beaufort. Always a great time and excellent diving especially w/Capt Leroy on the CAPT’s Lady (a 6 pack boat). In fact I am going this weekend for diving on Friday & Saturday. I would dive Sunday as well but, I had prior commitment for Sunday & Monday.

I am a PADI Divemaster (since 2005) I have numerous wreck dives logged. Hopefully I could be a good role model so that you keep the diving spirit.

I see you have interest in the U-352. Interesting WW 2 wreck. It doesn’t have as much marine life as on the SPAR but, a very good historic dive and a great dive for those that have a desire to get some intro to intermediate level tech experience.

Anytime you plan to go to NC feel free to contact me. You can reach me here or at, (best means of contact) or call at 410-320-5377.

Keep Diving,

Fred_M - 10/08/2013 4:59 AM
Moorehead City - North Carolina Dive Trip

Some local divers are planning a diving trip. See link below if interested.