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Anyone know how Reddit works?
Greg - 7/09/2013 7:02 AM
Category: General
Replies: 4

I just joined Reddit to see what it’s all about. I posted one link to a past article I wrote on DiveBuddy ( So now what? I guess people are allowed to "vote" for the link so it gets listed higher on Reddit? Can someone go to the link above and click the up arrow on the "3 Tips to Save Air While Scuba Diving" link...I want to see what happens on Reddit when someone votes for a link.

Does anyone else use Reddit? What do you mainly use it for? Do bloggers use Reddit to promote their articles? Or are people using Reddit to simply share links with their friends?
UWnewbee - 7/09/2013 10:11 AM
some that i know that do blog dont like reddit, they feel its another facebook, im not a member so i cant compare
Oahu_Dive_Medic - 7/09/2013 2:58 PM
Never heard of it before
Eric_R - 7/09/2013 4:06 PM
I made a comment and click the arrow but nothing seemed to happen.
Greg - 7/10/2013 8:52 AM
Seems like Reddit is mainly a site for people to share links that they find interesting. Users vote on links they like or don’t like, and comments can be made. Seems like a nice resource to find scuba related stuff.