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need a dive buddy
crashbandicoot - 9/06/2013 10:35 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 1

hey, i just got into diving not to long ago. I am 23, i am a quick learner i can keep my cool in nearly any situation. I am on a track that leads me to become a cave diver instructor, i would love to find some dive buddies that will join me on this quest or just want to go diving. if i could i would live under water diving 24/7. I would love to learn from other divers. when i am not diving i am normally reading about diving or watching diving videos. the mystery and isolation of scuba diving is so relaxing for me. I have most of my scuba gear which is all tech gear. well i know this is short but i hope to hear back from some interested divers
DiverMikeB - 9/06/2013 10:46 PM
where do you want to dive?