Wish I could but my schedule’s booked for the next few weeks. I’ve never dove Hudson but went by it after hours 2 weeks ago and was underwelmed by the place. The dock looked broken and twisted about half way out and the prep area with a few tables was overgrown with weeds. I’ve dove Paradise a few times and it’s much nicer and the property is well kept with a gazebo, outdoor fresh water shower/spigot and a bathroom, however it’s also $30 to dive there. If you’re new to the site you must also watch a video when you check in at the property owner’s garage and be aware that after you decend 20’ to the platform it’s an entirely overhead environment so a minimum of 2 lights are required. AOW limit is 99’ at the grim reaper sign and when you’re down there and look back up the shaft that you came down you can see only the faint glow of the light above but there’s a permanent guide line to follow down/back.