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Diving in Lembeh-December 2013
scubadeedee - 9/18/2013 1:07 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 7

Hi. I’m looking for a dive buddy to dive with in Lembeh. Preferably Male. I have already inquired with Divers Lodge Lembeh and I am booking my flight tomorrow as they only have one bungalow Remaining. looking forward to meeting a new buddy.
ScubaCrab - 9/18/2013 6:59 AM
Looks like an awsome trip! Maybe a good one to put on our wish list another time? Me and my wife are going to Negril Jamaica this year.
Have a great time!
scubadeedee - 9/18/2013 7:23 AM
Thank you !
zielit - 9/18/2013 8:56 AM
Soooo jealous... it’s on my "to do" list. Do you use any local GTA travel agent/dive shop, or do you just book the flight (which lines?) and resort/hotel?
Greg - 9/19/2013 10:48 AM
Talk about off the beaten path!

I hope you find a buddy and have a great time. When you return, post some photos or write a quick article about your adventures.
windwarddiver - 11/19/2013 5:51 AM
I’ve always wanted to go there. you can reach me at
scubadeedee - 11/20/2013 9:11 AM
Yes i will definatley post photos... leaving Dec. 11th.. so psyched !!!
windwarddiver - 11/20/2013 9:21 AM
Darn, I just got back from Barbados and have to take a breather from travel. Let me know if it lives up to the reputation. I’ts on my short list. Have a great time. Perhaps contact me when you can go traveling again.