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Diving/hunting in Monterey Bay CA
DiverDanya - 10/08/2013 10:18 PM
Replies: 2

Heading to Monterey for some diving at the end of October. Since it is lobster season I was thinking of buying a license for our trip. I’ve heard both that there are, and are not spiny lobster in the Monterey Bay area.

Can any locals confirm this for me? Thank you!

Also, what are you favorite spots to dive for fun and see lots of critters? Planning on visiting Point Lobos for sure!

Safe diving!
Smithsgold - 10/13/2013 5:34 PM
The California spiny lobster is found in parts of the Gulf of California in Mexico, and along the Pacific Coast of California extending as far north as Morro Bay. There are occasional records from Monterey Bay , but the water there is too cold for the California spiny lobster to breed.

They live on rocky substrates, at depths of up to 220 feet Although they can be found in shallow water, they are more frequent at depth.

California Spiny Lobsters are Nocturnal hiding in crevices during the day and emerge at Night to feed