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Underwater Flying??
loydavill - 1/28/2014 6:36 AM
Category: General
Replies: 5

I came across this and was curious of what the scuba community might think of this new gadget. Seems cool, but personally I have some mixed feelings about it. See it here.
LatitudeAdjustment - 1/28/2014 6:49 AM
Not a new idea, a smaller one was towed behind a boat for reef surveys, lobster hunters, I think I saw Mel Fishers crew using them looking for treasure. Just watch where you are going! Diver would let go when he saw something, sled would pop to the surface and the boat would circle back to start over or pick him up.

UWnewbee - 1/28/2014 8:04 AM
yep,,old stuff, ive tried 1 before they guys used to make their own, they were called planer boards
tazzer9797 - 1/28/2014 9:11 AM
I use a smaller one a lot when doing search and exploration work. And yes they are just a lot of fun some times as
loydavill - 1/28/2014 7:52 PM
Cool! Thanks for your feedback. I was very curious what others had to say about it. I had no idea stuff like this had been out for some time.
UWnewbee - 1/29/2014 7:07 PM
yes they can be fun and as kids we used to really have fun with them and the other person on it,, i remember 2 certain times of "hey lets give it a lil more throttle" and the person had their mask almost ripped of their face then the 2nd time of a lil more throttle than the 1st time, the person came up with his bathing suit around his ankles!! lol, umm yea a lil Too Much throttle!! they tried that with us but we were smart enough to Let go of the board! lol