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Do you wear your hood over or under your mask?
Greg - 2/10/2014 5:57 PM
Category: Survey
Replies: 67

Do you wear your scuba hood/hoodie over top or underneath your scuba mask strap?
Starky - 6/28/2017 4:20 PM
[Choose #2] Just started wearing a hood and so far it has been under the mask with no issues.
mcolligon - 2/03/2015 4:58 PM
[Choose #1] Cannot be knocked or kicked off that way.
DiveBuddyChgo - 3/06/2014 7:43 AM
[Choose #1] If I get to heated. I just pull the hood back off of my head. I don’t have to worry about the mask strap and readjusting it.
John_giu - 2/15/2014 6:11 PM
[Choose #2] under keep the mask seal seat better,but I sometime get a hood leak around the strap.
SantaFeSandy - 2/13/2014 12:03 PM
[Choose #1] I use to wear my mask strap over my hood. That is, until seriously taking into consideration cave training, which for safety reasons, stipulates otherwise.
Agojo - 2/12/2014 1:21 PM
[Choose #2] Under unless in water temps below 70 which is very often. I wear at least a beanie even in 82 degree water just for protection from that stray jelly.
Hawkeye54 - 2/12/2014 10:28 AM
[Choose #2] The hood won’t do its job over the mask strap because it, too, needs to seal against your skin to minimize the amount of water flowing through it. With hood over the mask strap, you also can’t remove the mask if you need to make major adjustments.
divingbear - 2/11/2014 6:06 PM
[Choose #1] No lost mask, I find even with dry gloves I can don mask than hood, just takes practice
Eric_R - 2/11/2014 4:22 PM
[Choose #2] #2 for many of the reasons already listed.
mac1954 - 2/11/2014 4:19 PM
[Choose #2] mask strap over my hood, that way i can hang my mask around my neck while i get on the rest of my gear. when i am nice and tidy i can put on mask. i rub my finger around the edge of my hood and tje mask seal falls inside my hood to form a seal
ScubaSteve63 - 2/11/2014 11:02 AM
[Choose #1] Mask strap under, always. Virtually elimantes a lost mask situation.
tazzer9797 - 2/11/2014 10:44 AM
[Choose #2] Like Greg mentioned... always over, Just remember to make sure of a perfect mask seal to skin seal is always made
Green_Achers - 2/11/2014 8:53 AM
[Choose #2] #1 wouldn’t even be an option for my hoods. I can barely get my fat head in/out by it’s self.
uwlover4u - 2/11/2014 7:42 AM
[Choose #2] We need a third option. #3 What hood? In south Florida we don’t wear hoods. We do wear hats on the boat though to protect our bald heads from sunburn.
LatitudeAdjustment - 2/11/2014 6:09 AM
[Choose #1] I use a 3 mil hooded vest and a beanie, the mask would be over the hood and then the beanie is put on.
loydavill - 2/11/2014 12:55 AM
[Choose #2] If I’m wearing a hood, its COLD! Outside for me. Easier to put on and take off my mask.
OUBobcat - 2/10/2014 9:28 PM
[Choose #2] Most of the time I wear it over my hood. When its warmer out and I’m not quite sure and wear my beanie my mask strap is under my hood. That way I can remove it easily most of the time without taking my mask off.
Greg - 2/10/2014 5:59 PM
[Choose #2] And I make sure the silcon part of my mask is under the face part of the want the mask touching your face, not the hood material.