[Choose #4] I’m not sure I would choose a buddy from online unless I had an interest in diving with them more than once. On a boat you can ferret out information you desire, plus you may be on the same boat for several days and get to know them better.
[Choose #4] Case by case. Some people like to maintain privacy. I can respect that.
[Choose #4] I do my "buddy checks" by phone or at least email. Not everyone wants to hang out all their personal info, and I do have a right to privacy.
[Choose #3] People that are serious about diving will populate there page with good info. I prefer to buddy up with serious divers.
[Choose #4] Don’t worry about photo, but would always like info about general location, cert, training, "looking for: just friends", etc.
[Choose #3] I wont add them right away, but i am always up for conversation and meeting new people
[Choose #3] I can understand no picture, my wife won’t put one online but I want details in that profile.
[Choose #4] It’s a forum.LOL
[Choose #1] Very few use divebuddy.com effectively. They need to write what they want to do in the future and few do. They don’t monitor posts. And they don’t ever give any reports.
[Choose #1] I know people with lots of dives who still don’t get it. You never know ’till you are in the water
lerpy - 4/12/2014 7:01 AM
[Choose #3] I like to have a little info on the person I will be my backup underwater.
[Choose #4] No photo is not a deal breaker, but I do want to see a little info on their experience. People who join DiveBuddy and then make their profiles private make no sense and I personally would avoid diving with them.
Agojo - 4/12/2014 4:01 AM
[Choose #3] With no information it is just like luck of the draw getting a buddy on a charter. Not my preferred method!
[Choose #4] Maybe they simply haven’t had time to fill everything out as completely as others have yet.
[Choose #3] I don’t need to see a divers dive log but some details really is nice to see.
[Choose #4] Both #2 and #3.