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Dive charter in MD for Open Water certified
tbarcia - 6/23/2014 9:03 AM
Category: General
Replies: 7

The wife and I got skunked 2 weekends ago because of strong currents so we’re looking to go diving this weekend except this time we’re looking for a charter in MD since most locations (according to NOAA) have surface temps in the upper 70s. The only problem is that the only charter I can find requires either advanced cert or OW with 20 logged dives. Does anybody know of a charter that will allow new divers aboard?

gepdiv - 6/23/2014 4:20 PM
It sounds like you are talking about oc dive boat, they do go to wrecks that arn’t as deep.I was out off Delaware this weekend , the surf temp may be 70 deg. but bottom temp at 100’ was 46 some of our club were out 2 weeks ago on oc dive boat at 75’ it was 51 deg you will need full wet suit ,hood gloves etc. Hope this helps
tbarcia - 6/23/2014 5:53 PM
I’ll check them out. We’re not expecting Caribbean temps, but don’t want to freeze either.
LatitudeAdjustment - 6/24/2014 4:15 AM
I think those surface temps shown on TV are provided by the local Chamber of Commerce from some tidal pool, much like the snow reports during the winter :(

Last summer I was in OC Maryland for a week and I couldn’t find a dive boat going out during the week to anything I wanted to dive :(
gemiller - 6/24/2014 10:52 AM
You’re not the only people that see this same thing! I tried to find something to go out on all the way through the end of the year, but they seem to shove the non advanced stuff on the wayside, and considering their weekend charters on the shoals are sold out should be a sign they should be considering a way to offer more options for that "class".
tbarcia - 6/25/2014 6:44 AM
We’re planning to get AOW this summer but would like to do some diving somewhere relatively close to home between now and then... And Dutch Springs is way too cold for my wife.
gepdiv - 6/25/2014 5:40 PM
If you can take a weekend and go to morehead city North Carolina the water is warm and vis is usually excellent, our club usually goes once a summer . We dive with discovery diving , maybe call them and make arrangements to do your aow.
tbarcia - 7/02/2014 6:02 AM
I checked their site and it looks promising. We’re actually trying to plan a trip to NC so they’ve just made the list of potential shops to dive with.