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Ultra Dive Charters - Freeport, TX
SLF1967 - 5/02/2015 4:24 AM
Category: General
Replies: 8

Does anyone have any previous diving experience, or know of someone who does, with "Ultra Dive" charter boat service out of Freeport, TX.

I found them on the web, and I have tried on numerous occasions to contact Captain Al to arrange for a dive trip in the Gulf, but he will not answer his phone, or respond to emails. His web site displays a nice dive boat, and its we’ll set up and appears to be maintained. I also see him advertised on several dive web sites.

Not sure if I have the wrong contact information, or what. Seems to me that he would respond to potential customers.

Please let me know if anyone has any experience with this outfit.

BillParker - 5/02/2015 4:06 PM
His boat is a fishing boat with no modifications to be a decent dive boat. His web site is misleading. The photos of his boat are really old. The A/C in the cabin only works when the boat is connected to shore power. You won’t, for example, see a whale shark as it implies. Sightings like that are extremely rare in the GOM. (But that doesn’t mean rigs can’t be fun dives. They are.) Beware all Texas salt water operators. Never pay a Texas ocean operator more than 24 hours before departure time. They will leave in rough weather that will be a hell trip and keep your money. They will go out when they know you’ll have a bad time and don’t care because they already have your money. Before I’d ever go on one again I’d check the wave forecast myself. I wouldn’t go out in more than 1-2ft seas maximum. Only then would I pay for the trip. If you can catch it when the seas are calm rig dives are so much fun. Wear a full suit, hood, and gloves to protect you from stinging things like jellyfish. Take steps to avoid seasickness. If you don’t it will ruin your trip. Good luck.
SLF1967 - 5/05/2015 8:20 AM
Thanks for the information.

I have been trying to contact this guy for two weeks now. I have left several phone messages, and sent numerous emails requesting him to phone me to answer a few questions regarding the trip. He has replied to two of my emails, and in both instances he asked me to send $200.00 trip deposit and didn’t answer any of my questions regarding trip details. I think I will try and locate a different charter service.

I don’t have a group of buddies to dive with, and looking for a charter service where I can join a group of other divers on day trips. The only other charter service I can find is the MV Fling, but don’t have the two full days available to take the trip to the flower gardens.

If you know of any other charter outfits that I can contact to join an existing group, I would appreciate it.
BillParker - 5/05/2015 9:21 AM
Captain Al’s probably is slow to respond because his alter ego is Same boat as Ultra Dive. He’s too busy running fishing charters to mess with divers much.

I liked I used his service twice and the dives were fun. He also starts at Freeport, TX. It’s still just a fishing boat. Nothing fancy but it got me there and back. He goes to the same rigs as everyone else. His prices are the lower. $250 for three tanks is a good deal I think. (Sure you can get two tanks for $80 in Mexico but you have to buy a $1,000 plane ticket to get there.) He’s also picky about the weather. He won’t go out in horrible rough weather. (But still check it yourself and only go in calm conditions.) You don’t have to bring a dive buddy with you. There will be others on the boat you can insta-buddy with. You never know how an insta-buddy will turn out but you don’t have a choice if you don’t have a reliable buddy you know that’s willing to go.
SLF1967 - 5/05/2015 1:25 PM
I have sent an email to Captain Beard Charters, and he isn’t able to run any trips between now and 16th May. He responded within minutes of me sending my email. I will definitely book a trip with him as soon as my schedule allows. Thanks again.

It just so happens that I my schedule this coming weekend is wide open (which has been rare of late), and I desperately wanted to get wet. What are my chances of finding an insta-buddy at Mammoth Lake if I show up Friday thru Sunday around lunch time?

Any other options for diving where I would could show up and find a buddy? I don’t mind having to travel a couple of hours each direction from the Houston area to dive. I just want to dive!
BillParker - 5/05/2015 3:54 PM
I’ve been to Mammoth but only once. I don’t know it that well. There are places that are so popular I’d say if you show up at the entrance when they open and talk to people as they come in I’d say your chance of finding a buddy for the day is 100%. But Mammoth isn’t one of them. I’ve seen people post on DB for the specific diving site looking for a buddy. If you do perhaps someone will respond.
btw2459 - 5/09/2015 7:36 PM
Just been at Blue Lagoon today, near Huntsville. I went up there with Ocean ventures (no cost except entry fees for the park - $17). Viz was pretty good 20 to 30 feet. I’m always looking for people to dive with and live in Houston.
Als_UltraDive - 6/25/2016 3:17 PM
Response from the Capt. Al Manica the owner of

Mr. Parker

Unfortunately, your post was just recently brought to my attention, had I known sooner that you had issues with my dive charter service we could have resolved them a long time ago. Better yet, I don’t recall what trip you took part in but had you discussed these issues with me on that date, I assure you this matter would have been resolved before you ever stepped foot off of my boat. But I guess you are the type that would rather do an unwarranted hit and run piece about me and my business while sitting at your computer.

In any event, as you are probably aware, I am an experienced PADI Dive Master and a licensed Coast Guard Captain. I have been involved in the scuba diving charter business for over 20 years. During this time, I have provided dive charter services to hundreds if not thousands of satisfied customers and I have a spotless safety record which I attribute to my experience and my Creator. Safety is my first priority with customer satisfaction being a close second and I would never put financial gain above the safety of my customers as you so incorrectly asserted. I don’t know why you have decided to defame my business and can only assume that you got seasick during one of my trips and now you vengefully blame me for it. In any case, allow me to address your comments and accusations.

1st. Alleged boat photo misrepresentation: The one boat web-site photo that was posted at that time was only three years old and was not significantly different from the boats appearance then and now for that matter. No deception was intended nor should any have been perceived by you.

2nd. Alleged A/C misrepresentation ploy: There was a short period of time last year when I was not able to run the A/C while offshore. During that time, I was sure to NOT advertise that my boat had A/C. Therefore, no "misleading" ever took place as you claim and for the record the A/C has since been repaired.

3rd. Alleged whale shark misrepresentation: On my web-site I do have video of a whale shark encounter that I shot during a rig dive trip. However, I also clearly state that such encounters are rare and that if a whale shark encounter should take place it would be by happenstance only. The following text is copied form my web site which addresses whale shark encounters: “Please click on the photo or text above to view video of an encounter with a 35-foot whale shark that was taken during one of our rig dive trips. Although we can’t guarantee that we will meet up with one of these majestic creatures on any given trip, the few times when it does happen it is truly unforgettable.”

4th. Allegation: I collect reservation deposits as a means to commit people to a high seas dive trip. Response: There is nothing unusual about receiving a reservation deposit for any service oriented type business. It is a longtime established practice that is used by many businesses as a means to further qualify the sincerity of a reservation. In the event that a trip is canceled due to weather, the customer would be entitled to a refund or can put the deposit toward an alternate date. Making a reservation deposit to insure that an available space is held for that person is totally up to the discretion of my customers.

5th. Allegation; I run trips despite rough offshore conditions. Response: You mentioned that you would “not go offshore unless seas are 1 to 2-foot maximum”. If that is the case, you should plan on cancelling approximately 80% of your scheduled Texas GOM dive trips. A typical summer day on the Gulf would consist of 10 to 15 knot winds and 2 to 3 feet seas. To a properly trained open water diver, those conditions should not be an issue. If it is an issue with you, I can only assume that you are overly susceptible to seasickness.

In closing, I welcome honest and legitimate constructive criticisms both good and or bad. However, your false assertions do not meet any of those standards and in a legal context they would be considered libel.

Capt. Al Manica – 281-469-2846
Als_UltraDive - 6/25/2016 3:35 PM
Mr. Fleming

I was just recently made aware of your Dive Buddy post. I have attached below my reply to Mr. Parker’s false assertions and accusations that he made about my business in response to your question. I thought that it was important that you and anyone else reading this also hear my side of the story directly, so here it is... Stay safe and have many fun scuba dives.

Thank you, Capt. Al Manica - 281-469-2846

" Mr. Parker
Unfortunately, your post was just recently brought to my attention, had I known sooner that you had issues with my dive charter service we could have resolved them a long time ago. Better yet, I don’t recall what trip you took part in but had you discussed these issues with me on that date, I assure you this matter would have been resolved before you ever stepped foot off of my boat. But I guess you are the type that would rather do an unwarranted hit and run piece about me and my business while sitting at your computer.

In any event, as you are probably aware, I am an experienced PADI Dive Master and a licensed Coast Guard Captain. I have been involved in the scuba diving charter business for over 20 years. During this time, I have provided dive charter services to hundreds if not thousands of satisfied customers and I have a spotless safety record which I attribute to my experience and my Creator. Safety is my first priority with customer satisfaction being a close second and I would never put financial gain above the safety of my customers as you so incorrectly asserted. I don’t know why you have decided to defame my business and can only assume that you got seasick during one of my trips and now you vengefully blame me for it. In any case, allow me to address your comments and accusations.

1st. Alleged boat photo misrepresentation: The one boat web-site photo that was posted at that time was only three years old and was not significantly different from the boats appearance then and now for that matter. No deception was intended nor should any have been perceived by you.

2nd. Alleged A/C misrepresentation ploy: There was a short period of time last year when I was not able to run the A/C while offshore. During that time, I was sure to NOT advertise that my boat had A/C. Therefore, no misleading ever took place as you claim and for the record the A/C has since been repaired.

3rd. Alleged whale shark misrepresentation: On my web-site I do have video of a whale shark encounter that I shot during a rig dive trip. However, I also clearly state that such encounters are rare and that if a whale shark encounter should take place it would be by happenstance only. The following text is copied form my web site which addresses whale shark encounters: “Please click on the photo or text above to view video of an encounter with a 35-foot whale shark that was taken during one of our rig dive trips. Although we can’t guarantee that we will meet up with one of these majestic creatures on any given trip, the few times when it does happen it is truly unforgettable.”

4th. Allegation: I collect reservation deposits as a means to commit people to a high seas dive trip. Response: There is nothing unusual about receiving a reservation deposit for any service oriented type business. It is a longtime established practice that is used by many businesses as a means to further qualify the sincerity of a reservation. In the event that a trip is canceled due to weather, the customer would be entitled to a refund or can put the deposit toward an alternate date. Making a reservation deposit to insure that an available space is held for that person is totally up to the discretion of my customers.

5th. Allegation; I run trips despite rough offshore conditions. Response: You mentioned that you would “not go offshore unless seas are 1 to 2-foot maximum”. If that is the case, you should plan on cancelling approximately 80% of your scheduled Texas GOM dive trips. A typical summer day on the Gulf would consist of 10 to 15 knot winds and 2 to 3 feet seas. To a properly trained open water diver, those conditions should not be an issue. If it is an issue with you, I can only assume that you are overly susceptible to seasickness.

In closing, I welcome honest and legitimate constructive criticisms both good and or bad. However, your false assertions do not meet any of those standards and in a legal context they would be considered libel.

Capt. Al Manica – 281-469-2846 "