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Ginnie Springs and FL May 26-28
Fsworld - 5/05/2015 6:05 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 4

Im a new cavern diver and am looking for anyone to dive with those 3 days, Im willing to go anywhere in NE FL if that works better.

Curtis - 5/05/2015 12:17 PM
Possibility on my part, I am off on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Ginnie is about 3 hours away, and I have been dry since early March. I’m GUE cave, but cavern time is fine for me. Contact me via email.
john_f - 5/12/2015 8:38 AM
I will be driving through cave country on my way down to Pompano for some wreck diving there the following weekend. I was planning to stop overnite in Marianna to break up my trip, maybe hit JB. I’m full cave but happy to dive any level. What Tstorm said, JB is you biggest cavern bang for the buck.
Curtis - 5/27/2015 11:20 AM
Good set of dives @ Madison Blue yesterday, thanks Zach.