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WTB Condemned steel tanks
EricM - 7/04/2015 12:23 AM
Category: General
Replies: 5

I need to know where I can get some condemned steel scuba tanks. I have asked locally, and noone knows where these things go when they die. Any suggestions? No I am not going to use them for any scuba, or compressed air application, just want to use them on a project.
OleCrab - 7/04/2015 12:51 AM
Normally tanks that cannot be certified are returned to their owners with a hole drilled into them, making them unusable, which is a DOT requirement.
LatitudeAdjustment - 7/04/2015 3:58 AM
After a failed hydro the tank should be shown to the owner by the dive shop, weather the owner takes it or the shop scraps it is then decided. I would put the word out to a few dive shops that you are looking for tanks for a project but don’t hold your breath. I’ve only had 4 steel tanks fail in the last 40 years and two of them are questionable. The dive shop closed and and the excuse was the tanks failed but I never saw them and I didn’t get the valves back either.
RichKeller - 7/04/2015 6:14 AM
Check with the retest facilities in your area.
EricM - 7/06/2015 11:56 PM
Ok Thanks for the suggestions.