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Local Dive Shops (LDS)
JJL - 4/08/2016 8:50 PM
Category: Equipment
Replies: 4

Frist I have no affiliation with any Local Dive Shops (LDS).
If new to diving or an old fart like me. Patronize LDS!!
Had some great experiences at two of them yesterday.
It is so helpful to talk face to face with a human being.
One did not have the vest I was looking for but refer me to another store. Did end up buying 2 low pressure 108 cylinders from them because they had better pricing then the internet. Was not out to buy the 108, they were on my want not need list.
I think what I like the best is spending a great deal of time talking about diving with them, sometimes 45 minutes to an hour.
If you are new to scuba find a LDS, I found most of them so helpful, even to an old person like me.
ram04769 - 4/09/2016 5:15 PM
The closest one to me is about a 4 hour drive south. Luckily I can get air refills at my local fire department. Now I just need to let the lakes thaw and find a dive partner.
Smithsgold - 5/30/2016 3:37 PM
I always support my Local Dive Shop been going there for almost 10 years now !!!
AnchorBayScuba - 9/12/2016 9:21 PM
Thank you for your comments on LDS we have a great time with our divers. Love to help new divers and keep people diving . After seeing 2 go out of business last year, It is so important to support our LDS so keep on promoting .. thanks again.