Solo Adventures
MIADiveGirl - 7/26/2016 3:21 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 9

As a person who is very accustomed to just doing what I want, when I want, spontaneously on a whim, this finding a dive buddy thing is challenging for me. I have a week’s vacation coming up and I live in diving paradise, I’m hoping there will be at least 3 dive trips that week. So, on that note, what charters or opportunities do you know of where you can just show up solo and be given a partner or dive as a group? There is a lobster hunting charter that week out of WPB where I can "buy a guide" with my package and another charter I heard about that has a guide go out on every dive so no buddy needed. This is all I know of so far. Any and all info and recommendations thoroughly appreciated!

LatitudeAdjustment - 7/26/2016 6:10 AM
In Florida I rarely show up with a dive buddy and have never had a problem. On trips in SE FL most dives are drift and you just stay within sight of the DM but then I’m a photographer and we make bad buddies because we are looking for subjects and not keeping an eye on our buddy.

There are usually divers from DB on Jupiter Dive Center trips but if you need a buddy just tell the crew and they will pair you off with someone they trust.

Pura Vida has a night dive Aug 2nd at Blue Heron Bridge, you need to register at the shop first so you can park in the park after closing, the dive its self is free and there you will need to enter with a buddy which is a good idea anyhow if you haven’t done BHB before.
Bhutas - 7/26/2016 3:06 PM
What dates for vacation? I’m planning a dive Aug 20-21 in Pompano.
MIADiveGirl - 7/27/2016 10:11 AM
Thank you, gentlemen!

I’m actually out of town for the BHB night dive then have my kids the Pompano dive weekend, but please keep the recommendations coming. I greatly appreciate all your insights! :0)
bsharp117 - 7/30/2016 8:59 AM
I’m on vacation this week, however I’m usually available on Sundays
MIADiveGirl - 8/01/2016 10:33 AM
Thanks, Bernie. When the school year starts back, every other Sunday would be good for me. :0)
bsharp117 - 8/01/2016 3:33 PM
ok Christie, let me know, heres my personal email and phone number -
bsharp117@hotmail.com, 516 205 5567