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Hyperbaric Chamber course Houston area
Satdiver - 4/11/2018 11:28 AM
Category: Training
Replies: 2

Helping Hands for Hero’s a 501(c)(3) non profit will be offering Intro to Hyperbaric Chamber operations course on a limited basis in the Houston/Galveston area.

Contact us at for more info!
Texasbubbler - 5/30/2018 12:09 AM
Aside from the experience, what is the purpose of this course/who is it geared towards typically? Knowledge is power, I’m curious if this is more of a tour of the facility or if it beneficial to dive professionals, etc. Thanks!
Satdiver - 5/30/2018 11:21 AM
More than a ’tour’. We can customize to fit your interest, hands on operation of our chambers, to hyperbaric dives in the chamber!