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Dutch Springs, May 4th.
CentralPADiver - 4/26/2018 4:20 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 6

Looking for a dive buddy on Friday May 4th, 2018 at Dutch Springs.
JoeWR - 4/26/2018 6:07 PM
I should be able to go on May 4. I can let you know for sure next week.

Joe G.
CentralPADiver - 4/26/2018 7:50 PM
Cool. Sounds good Joe.
AlvinM74 - 4/30/2018 11:42 PM
Hey guys what time are you thinking of going? morning or afternoon? I might be able to rearrange my work schedule to join you on friday. Is the water still too cold that you need drysuit only? I only have a semi-dry suit 8mm.
JoeWR - 5/01/2018 9:38 AM
Hi, Alvin:

Right now, we’re meeting at 10 AM. However, if you want to drop by later, we’ll save a dive for you. The water temp. is between 45 and 50 degrees on average. I’ve been diving wet in a 7mm two-piece, but you will definitely be more comfortable in the semi-dry. Message me with your contact number if you want to go.

Joe G.
AlvinM74 - 5/02/2018 9:57 PM
OK guys - I’m in! excited about first dive of the year. I should be there around 10am. Where are we meeting? student side or peninsula?

See you guys Friday.

JoeWR - 5/02/2018 10:27 PM
Cool, Alvin. See you then. Let’s meet on the peninsula side.

Joe G.