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Integrated octo/inflator
Starky - 10/24/2018 10:09 AM
Category: Equipment
Replies: 8

I’m preparing for my first dive trip. We are headed to Cozumel in Jan. I plan to dive with Deep Blue as I have heard good things about them. They had a question about my gear and said some people show up with no octopus. I have an Aqua Lung Airsourse 3 integrated octo/inflator on my BCD. It is a two stage air source. Does anybody else use this and have you had issues diving with dive agencies?
Eric_R - 10/25/2018 6:50 AM
You can try contacting them but it shouldn’t be a problem. You would discuss your setup with your buddy and let them know that you would give up your primary in an out of air event.
LatitudeAdjustment - 10/25/2018 7:18 AM
One thing I’ve learned if you use an integrated octo is if it fails they will hand you a standard 2nd. If you don’t have a spare inflator in your bag then you will need a rental BC :(

Same with integrated computers which is another reason you should dive with two computers.
Starky - 10/25/2018 8:40 AM
I did let Deep Blue know what I have and I’m waiting to hear back. So far they have been great about replying to emails. My dive instructor and owner of the dive shop has the same set-up and they go all over the world with no issues.
GreggS - 10/27/2018 1:08 PM
I use an integrated inflator/Octo and had no issues using it in Coz. I wasn’t diving with Deep Blue so i don’t know if they’ll have an issue with you using it.
Starky - 10/29/2018 11:53 AM
Thanks Gregg. I believe their issue was people showing up with their own gear and no octo at all. I believe the integrated octos are a lot more popular now and I’m not expecting any issues although Deep Blue hasn’t replied to my last email so I’m not sure yet. Guess I better reengage.
Starky - 10/29/2018 3:09 PM
Up-date: I heard back from Deep Blue Cozumel and my Aqua Lung Airsourse 3 integrated octo/inflator classifies as an alternate 2nd stage.
GreggS - 10/29/2018 3:11 PM
Great. Thought it would be fine. I couldn’t imagine they would say you can’t use it as many as there are in use.
Starky - 1/29/2019 2:25 PM
Just got back from my trip and it was amazing. Actually got to educate some folks on the integrated octo as I had a couple buddies that had never heard of them and was wondering where my yellow hose was. Fortunately i never had to use it.