I guess, while I’m in here soliciting buddies for next week and the mid-winter, I may as well get a head start on rounding up groups to hit the river next season.
I’d like to start with some recreational trips in June (maybe), July (probably), and August (for sure). Then we will get some Tech trips set up for August, September, and October. My hope is to get in at least 6 trips up there in 2019. Yes, that’s more than 1 per month, even if we start in June.
For the Rec trips, depending on how many people we get, we could charter boats in either the US or Canada to get our to the Keystorm, America, Vickery, and the 7 wrecks in Brockville. For those who want to keep it cheap, we could do one weekend of nothing but shore dives - there are 3 or 4 on the US side and at least 6 on the Canada side I’ve done in the past. Another possibility is to do shore dive Friday afternoon, boat in the river Saturday, and charter into Lake Ontario (from Kingston, ON) Sunday morning before heading home in the afternoon.
For the tech trips, I usually do those with my main tech buddy Nazar, but the last couple years he’s always busy with other things until mid-Sept., so I could use somebody with trimix 1 level cert to do some 170’ - 200’ dives on the R.A. Jodrey in August and Sept. (and you’re welcome to join both of us whenever we go in Sept & Oct, either as a third in our team or as a second team of 2 or 3 on the boat).
My wife gets a bit testy if I go up there 2 weekends in a row, so I’ll be planning these to be anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks apart. Specific weekends to be decided later, based on who is interested in what and when they are available to go. Usually, however this will involve getting up there Friday night (or earlier Friday if anyone can take off that day) and coming home Sunday night (or Monday if we hit a holiday weekend or people can take a vacation day Monday).
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