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Retiring from Army and Looking to Relocate to Ocala Area
ginovega - 4/09/2019 2:30 PM
Category: General
Replies: 1

Dive Buddy Friends:

I am about 10 months from getting my Army retirement. (HOAAH!! Currently living in Fayetteville, NC ( Fort Bragg) but wife and I looking to move to Ocala area. Any advice on the area, places to live, things to do, place to visit, employment, veterans resources, cost of living ..etc. I know there are web sites that provide this info. I would like to hear from Divebuddy friends that live in the Ocala area and dive the springs. I’ve dove in Blue Grotto and Manatee Spring (Cat Fish hole also) so I think I will be happy there...
LatitudeAdjustment - 4/10/2019 8:34 AM
Congratulations on your retirement, I left Fort Bragg in 64 when our detachment moved to Eglin

My daughter was offered a job move to Ocala but found housing was more there than the raise :(

Love the hills around Ocala but I like the saltwater diving in the SE more :)