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Diver deaths at Spiegel Grove
Greg - 3/17/2007 3:15 PM
Category: Training
Replies: 2

Three divers died on the Spiegel Grove yesterday. One was recovered, two are still trapped and most likely dead inside the wreck. The divers had advanced certifications. While I don`t want to comment on their dive qualifications (I don`t know how experienced they were)...I will take this as an opportunity to remind everyone that you SHOULD NEVER enter a wreck unless you are properly trained, have lots of experience and have the proper equipment. Not to mention competent dive buddies with similar training and gear.

There were 4 divers total, one decided not to enter the wreck, the 3 that did ended up dead.

Dive within your limitations. And never be afraid to call off a dive or not enter a wreck if you feel the slightest bit apprehensive. Adopt the cave divers saying "Any diver can call off any dive at any time for any reason."

While diving...bravery should equal stupidity. Dive safe and smart yourself...with a safe and smart buddy.
DalelynnSims - 3/17/2007 10:52 PM
3 New Jersey Divers Die Off Florida Keys While Exploring Sunken Ship Friday , March 16, 2007 FOX News,3566,259210,00.html I have been down on the U.S.S. SPIEGEL GROVE (LSD-32) and can tell you that there are many things to consider when diving both deep as this is and penetrating wreck which does take special consideration even though there are areas which you can `swim through` and maintain light line site.
TColJeep - 3/18/2007 7:49 AM
All these divers had years of experience. They where dive masters and instructors, some with as much as 20 yrs of diving under their weight belts, and had penetrated the wreck on previous occassions. All this can only further prove that anything can go wrong at anytime while we dive. We should never get complacent while enjoying this great sport of ours. Even the easiest or most familiar dive can turn deadly. Remember, even in warm, crystal clear waters, at shallow depths, diving is and always will be an extreme sport and must be treated as such. Keep up your training, stay fit to dive and practice, practice, practice. Something can be learned on every dive. When you stop learning or think there is nothing left to learn, you put yourself and your dive partner at risk. My heart goes out to their families and friends. Let`s not forget this lesson, you can do everything right and still run into problems that will test every last bit of your knowledge and skill...