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Dive buddy wanted Seminole, st pete, tampa Clearwater and surrounding area
downdownpabs - 4/04/2024 10:56 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 0

Good day all,
I am looking for a fun loving scuba buddy, I’ve been diving for over 8 years now, mainly dove cold water for lobster, crab, scallops and oysters. I took trips to the keys a few times but recently moved to Seminole. I do not mind traveling around for some dives but would prefer staying within 50 miles of Seminole. I have all my own gear and I take care of it so you will not have to worry about my equipment malfunctioning. I am up for wreck diving, the devils den, lion fishing, even clean up dives. I have not done cave diving, or spear fishing yet but I am interested.
I am 36 years old, active duty military/ Coast Guard so I am in good shape.