OMS Slipstreams (neutral) or Scuba Pro Jets (slightly negative) but otherwise they’re, literally, cut from the same mold.
I am using Force Fin Extras. I like the Force Fins as they really do not have a pocket per say, they have a cover that goes over the arch of the foot, it is about 4” wide. With the bungee heal straps they are indeed comfortable and perform well. The Force Fin Extras are stiffer than the Force Fin Pros that I use with wet suits. With no toe pocket I have never had a problem of my toes being pushed because of the bungee heal straps. Hope this helps
I have Rock Boots and Scuba Pro Jet fins as well. I can use my boots with my fins because I bought the fins large enough (just so) to do so and also use them with booties. I find the Boots to be somewhat uncomfortable and another bulky thing I have to carry and put on.
I have not yet tried out this combo, but I bought some oversized SCUBA "socks" to put over the foot of my DUI drysuit which I think will be more comfortable than the Boots and still allow me to comfortably use my current fins. Frankly, unless I’m shore diving and need to do somewalking over sharp rocks to get in the water, I don’t really see the need for wearing a pair of boots to go diving from boat. I intend for the relatively cheap socks to be sacrificial protection for the foot of the dry suit.
Uhhh, What can I say? "Get Bigger fins" ...LOL.
No actually I’m just kidding. I dive with Rock Boots. I think they are the greatest. I am using a rather antique set of "Jet Fins" They seem to work well with the rock boot system. I use spring straps on my jet fins. The spring straps make it easy to get into and out of the fins and I find that they are more comfortable than the rubber straps. Plus, they don’t break.
What ever fits and what ever works for you.
Hello Sir
I read your post and wanted to let you know of a fin that I wear with my Rock Boots. The brand is called "IST". The style is called "Talaria" and the size is XL. I have 8 1/2 Rock Boots. These are split fins and are extremely comfortable to use. I thought you might be interested. Just my 2 cents in an effort to help.
I have a DUI TLS 350 with the DUI rock boots and I use two sets of fins with them. The first set of fins are the standard turtle fin (XSSUBA) which gives me torque and control and are the best fins to use when doing a frog kick. But I have also used my Atomic Aquatics split fins but they do not give me the torque that i need but are great when doing the flutter kick.