I can only add to the good suggestions. I assume that this is a dive boat trip and on a dive boat space is limited. Bring only what is needed and understand that you have the space that you sit in and underneath the seat for your dive gear. When you get on the dive boat and are assigned your area, assemble your gear, BC on the tank regs on the tank, weight belt ready and layong over if not through the straps of your fins. Attach your mask, defoged and ready to go, to the BC between the low pressure inflator and the hose that connects to it but the strap. These last two will prevent them feom being lost at sea. I cant tell you how many masks I have seen loat or almost so as the diver just hung the mask on the tank’s first stage. When the boat gets going and the water splashes over the read deck it can knock these things off. Normally of the dive is close suiting up in the wet suit can be accomplished at least half way prior to departing the dock. The divemaster on board and others that may have been down with the boat before can help youin this, watch listen and learn from them. as previously stated, don’t hesitate to ask questions. Lastly have a great time!!