Anonymous - 12/19/2011 7:22 AM
I have been diving since 1971, some of my best years was when my brother and I dove commercially. When I got married my wife was a non-diver, after we took a couple dives trips with my brother and his non-diving wife, she wanted me to stop for the fear of losing me. You have to do what you think is best for you and your marriage. I wish I never stopped diving because I love being in that magnificent underwater world, and if she loved me as much as she said she did, she should have trusted I would dive safely to always come back to her. She divorced me in 1993 after 10 yrs, it has been very difficult to get the extra money and time to dive since. I am now 55 and still in the same boat (oops no boat lost it in the divorce) same situation. If you have the Discretionary money and you love diving as much as I do, I hope you can work it out with her so you can keep diving, because I miss it very much. At 55 I still can dive and still want to when ever and as often as possible.

Good Luck
Dive Safe and Always have Fun