Anonymous - 12/20/2011 11:27 AM
I’ve had issues with her with other things as well. For instance I occasionally want to go play poker with the guys and we do play for a small buy in of $10.00 per person and she has every excuse in the world why I can’t go do that as well.

I’ve already decided I’m going to be happy no matter what. I think my youngest stepson might be interested in doing it so I’m going to go that route and see how it plays out. I mean if it’s father/son bonding then that’s one of her defenses blown out of the water (pun intended).

I don’t expect her to get certified and would never try to push the issue I just feel that as much as I love diving and being there as a spouse she should understand this. Hopefully things will get better if I can get the kid involved. Crossing my fins;)