Greg - 2/04/2013 7:29 AM
Here is an explanation of how docs pro plugs work:

"While the small vent allows equalization to occur it does not allow debris to enter and it prevents earwax from washing out which exposes delicate ear tissue. The Proplugs keep ears warm by storing the head’s conductive heat; the warmth provided by the plugs drastically reduces the risk of thermal shock. Due to surface tension the vented plug also reduces abrupt pressure changes from reaching the sensitive eardrum which contributes to easier equalization."

There are also other forum topics on DiveBuddy that can help with water in mask issues. Search the New Diver QA category more.

There are many methods to help equalize:
Swallow and wiggle your jaw.
Make the K sound repeatedly with your tongue.
Pinch you nose and lightly blow against your pinched nose to force air into your middle ear.

I agree that you should have a physical before diving. Tell the doctor you’re interested in scuba diving. Have him check your ears and blood pressure.

Good luck! Let us know if you have other questions.