Greg - 5/22/2013 5:59 AM
Wetsuits will compress the deeper you dive, which means you loose heat and buoyancy. That’s why we always teach to wear an exposure suit that will be comfortable at your diving depth. That may mean your more buoyant and hotter to start the dive, but once you reach your dive depth, you’ll be good.

Couple tips:
- Keep a bottle of water handy to keep cool. Pour it on your head or inside your wetsuit while your on land to cool down.
- Don’t get your wetsuit on until everyone is ready to get geared up and in the water.
- You may need to use a rope to pull yourself underwater the first 15 feet or so, until your wetsuit starts to compress and losses buoyancy. That way you’re not loaded down with a bunch of weight. Towards the end of the dive, you’ll have less air in your tank so that will help to balance out the buoyancy ad you ascend.
- As you are descending, be prepared to tap some air into the bc, due to buoyancy loss.