Being trained by NAUI I’m biased but for dang good reason I feel after doing my research that NAUI was and is one of the most respected and trusted certifying agency’s out there. Now I’m not throwing stones I means it’s like arguing, Ford, dodge, Chevy, Chrysler etc. but I know when I took my open water I didn’t know anything about diving and when I was done I was well trained. I have moved up few levels and plan on moving up more with NAUI. I have dove with few other people who are from other agency’s and I can see a difference in training and safety. Now I realize its not fair to judge a whole agency off couple of people I understand that. But my main focus is safety and to be able at the end of the day to go home to my family with out injury. I hope all the other agency’s take the time and knowledge that NAUI puts into their students. Because I love being prepared and when I enter the water I know I have the best training for scuba diving there is. I hope you all feel the same way. And again I’m not bashing any other agency. I love NAUI and am very proud to be member of this Agency!